External Callback Url

Hi BackendLess Team!

Question regarding FlowRunner’s external callback blcok.
Will it be possible to change url to my custom domain for the webhook? Currently it is using one of the backendless subdomains that was assigned on app creation.

Best Regards,

Hi Uldis,

When using the callback URL, substitute the xxx.backendless.app domain with your own (the domain must be registered with the app) and the callback will still work.


Hi @mark-piller
I tried that, but the field does not seem to be editable.
But if that is meant to change actual url used for callback, then there was some issue. Will reproduce and paste it.

Seems to be working ok, previously tried it within the browser window, and it returned search result, Now tried through postman and it returns executionId as expected, sorry for false alarm :slight_smile:

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It should work in a browser as well.

I see.
Checked and it indeed works in incognito mode, so probably some plugins or settings in my browser interfere with normal mode and initiates google search instead.