External hosts approval

Hi Backendless Team,

On an average how much time is taken for External Hosts review ?
I have added a External hosts. It’s been around 36 hours and approval is in pending state still. Please expedite the process.


Hi Harsh,

It is usually pretty quick. I apologize for the delay. Your request has been approved - you should be getting an email now.


Hello Backendless team!

I have the same question. I’m moving from Parse.com and I need to have access to an external URL to continue my tests. I made the request on Wednesday.

Sorry for asking again :slight_smile:




Your request was rejected as we could not get any information about the host you submitted. Please provide a URL on that host which will be consumed by your business logic (send it to support@backendless.com).


Hello! I’m also waiting on approval for my External Host. Just want to be sure it’s in the queue and not held up by anything, since it’s been a while.


please provide your application id

Hello - my first external host has been approved, thank you. Although now I need to add another but the Marketplace won’t load. App ID sent via email.

Thanks - Mark left an email on how to solve. I’ve added new external hosts and am now just waiting on those to be approved.

Should be all approved now.

Hi Mark & Team,

Can the approval process be made more transparent, please? The status just shows PENDING.
Just a suggestion: add more states between PENDING, and APPROVED/REJECTED, for example - RECEIVED, IN_REVIEW etc. I know it will take the same amount of time, but the end users get to know that their request is being processed.

I submitted a request 17 hours ago, and looking at the above comments, it seems like that the approval would take 2-3 days.

Thank you.

Hi Harpreet,

The request has been approved. You should be receiving an email confirmation.


Thanks Mark! Appreciate it.