Extract json data from API service

I’m making a call to an API service, I get the result as JSON. I want to extract just one or two key/value from the result. How could I possibly do this in the business logic or event handler?

I see the JSON data type in the Data schema but but I don’t want to save the whole object since I only need 1 or 2 values from it.

Hello @Peter_J

We will be happy to assist you. I need to ask you a few more questions so I can understand the problem better.
Do you want to save the resulting JSON into a JSON type column?

Thanks @Volodymyr_Ialovyi

Here for example:

                        "dragPoint": false,
                        "displayLatLng": {
                            "lng": -122.011923,
                            "lat": 37.331272
                        "adminArea4": "Santa Clara County",
                        "unknownInput": "",
                        "adminArea5": "Cupertino",
                        "adminArea6": "",
                        "postalCode": "95914",
                        "adminArea1": "US",
                        "adminArea3": "CA",
                        "type": "s",
                        "sideOfStreet": "N",
                        "adminArea6Type": "Neighborhood",
                        "geocodeQualityCode": "B1AAX",
                        "adminArea4Type": "County",
                        "linkId": "0",
                        "street": "Apple Park Way",
                        "mapUrl": "http://open.mapquestapi.com/staticmap/v5/map?key=caybGfnczGihgpUtSWMhqx3ei9JCqk80&type=map&size=225,160&locations=37.3312719,-122.0119227|marker-sm-50318A-3&scalebar=true&zoom=15&rand=1352159435",
                        "adminArea5Type": "City",
                        "geocodeQuality": "STREET",
                        "adminArea1Type": "Country",
                        "latLng": {
                            "lng": -122.011923,
                            "lat": 37.331272
                        "adminArea3Type": "State" 

Let’s say here I only need the values for lng & lat from the displayLatLng.
So ideally from this response, I would like to save the values lng = -122.011923 and lat = 37.331272 in the database

Hello @Peter_J

Try something like this:

Doesn’t seem to work

Could you please show how you’re saving the data?

Yea for sure.

And here’s a query:

		"city": null,
		"created": 1601549007000,
		"InputAddress": "One Apple Park Way Cupertino, CA 95014",
		"___class": "Address",
		"ownerId": null,
		"updated": null,
		"objectId": "EDE5BA8A-74AD-4650-A3AE-EDA1EA8508B8",
		"GeoCode": {
			"info": {
				"messages": [],
				"copyright": {
					"text": "© 2020 MapQuest, Inc.",
					"imageUrl": "http://api.mqcdn.com/res/mqlogo.gif",
					"imageAltText": "© 2020 MapQuest, Inc."
				"statuscode": 0
			"options": {
				"thumbMaps": true,
				"maxResults": -1,
				"ignoreLatLngInput": false
			"results": [
					"locations": [
							"type": "s",
							"latLng": {
								"lat": 39.78373,
								"lng": -100.445882
							"linkId": "0",
							"mapUrl": "http://open.mapquestapi.com/staticmap/v5/map?key=caybGfnczGihgpUtSWMhqx3ei9JCqk80&type=map&size=225,160&locations=39.7837304,-100.4458825|marker-sm-50318A-1&scalebar=true&zoom=2&rand=1000365711",
							"street": "",
							"dragPoint": false,
							"adminArea1": "US",
							"adminArea3": "",
							"adminArea4": "",
							"adminArea5": "",
							"adminArea6": "",
							"postalCode": "",
							"sideOfStreet": "N",
							"unknownInput": "",
							"displayLatLng": {
								"lat": 39.78373,
								"lng": -100.445882
							"adminArea1Type": "Country",
							"adminArea3Type": "State",
							"adminArea4Type": "County",
							"adminArea5Type": "City",
							"adminArea6Type": "Neighborhood",
							"geocodeQuality": "COUNTRY",
							"geocodeQualityCode": "A1XXX"
					"providedLocation": {
						"location": "One Apple Park Way Cupertino, CA 95014"

Do you use codeless to store data? if so, what does the codeless logic you use do? When you wrote doesn't seem to work, I assume you referred to the logic in place that saves the data. I’d like to see that if possible.

Oh my bad. I want to retrieve the lat and lng from the json record in the GeoCode column.

Retrieving the column works fine:

But I can’t figure out how to retrieve just the lat and lng key/values from it.

both results and locations are arrays. Do you need to retrieve displayLatLng from a particular element of those arrays? The reason it doesn’t work is because the JSON Path doesn’t reference the array element.

Yes exactly, from the first element.
I also tried GeoCode->$.results[0].locations[0].displayLatLng

ok, it is super clear now. Could you please let me know your application ID so I can give it a try?

Yes of course. Here 2ED7F377-22E4-00FB-FF25-BFB87366B600

Hi @Peter_J,

The problem is with the syntax of the JSON Path. The actual JSON Path must be included into single quotes:


I also modified the Codeless logic in your GetAddress service and it now returns the data.


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Awesome, thanks @mark-piller