Facebook canvas app

I’m trying to use your service as a hosting for my facebook-application (it should work directly from the facebook-page and also I plan to make iOS and Android versions of it).To do this, I uploaded in my backendless-application settings “Files\download\media” this files: index.html and Tests.swf (they need to be run in iframe-canvas on facebook).

At facebook-app settings I specify this url: “https://backendless.com/console/appversion/<my backendless-app id>/files/download/media/” (htpps - required)

And… it is not working. On facebook-application page in iframe I see a backendless warning page with such text: “This is somewhat embarrassing, isn’t it? It seems we can’t find what you’re looking for.” etc.

Going direct at “https://backendless.com/console/appversion/<my backendless-app id>/files/download/media/” I see my loaded swf, but if I add to url “https://” - it does not work.

What I’m doing wrong? Can I use Backendless not only for the server backend, but the directly to host my the application, available by url?

Hi Alexey,

I uploaded a test html file and an image to my app and I can see the content:

Any chance you could give me the full link to your file?


Hi Mark!
Ok, here it is:https://backendless.com/console/appversion/8a2d7f75-03c7-d797-ff6e-e814f2c76b00/files/download/media/index.html

If I click on this link I see a warning: install the Flash player 11 (but I have it installed). On facebook pages I see another message wrote about above.

And if you do not use https, then everything works fine:http://backendless.com/console/appversion/8a2d7f75-03c7-d797-ff6e-e814f2c76b00/files/download/media/index.html

I checked again and noticed that the browser blocks “script from unknown sources”. I let it run and it worked. But on the facebook page I can’t do that. Maybe it has something to do with the SSL-certificate?