I am using Facebook Login in an Ionic hyrbid app built for Android. I am using the below code.
Backendless.UserService.loginWithFacebook({email:"email"},"email",new Backendless.Async(fbOk, fbFail));
In the mobile device, it opens an InApp browser and it hangs on without any progress. I get the below error in the console.
TypeError: Cannot read property 'getElementsByTagName' of undefined
at new UserService._socialContainer (file:///android_asset/www/js/backendless.js:1586:48)
at Object.UserService._loginSocial (file:///android_asset/www/js/backendless.js:1608:35)
at Object.UserService.loginWithFacebook (file:///android_asset/www/js/backendless.js:1541:18)
at Scope.$scope.facebookLogin (file:///android_asset/www/js/controllers.js:168:25)
On desktop as a standard web page it works fine, but not as an hybrid app.
Hi Ramanujam,
thanks for this issue. Give me some time to reproduce and investigate this problem, I will answer you with results as soon as possible.
Any luck with this?
I am getting the same error for google login as well. I am using the auto-gernerate code for G+ login. It works great in desktop browser but now in a hybrid android app.
TypeError: Cannot read property 'getElementsByTagName' of undefined
at new UserService._socialContainer (file:///android_asset/www/js/backendless.js:1586:48)
at Object.UserService._loginSocial (file:///android_asset/www/js/backendless.js:1608:35)
at Object.UserService.loginWithGooglePlus (file:///android_asset/www/js/backendless.js:1544:18)
Team, Any updates on this?
Not yet fixed, we are working on it
?Thanks. Please let me know if I can be of some use for testing.
Sure, I’ll let you know immediately in this thread.
Just an information which might help you for debugging…
The domain parameter value in the url https://www.facebook.com/connect/ping is emply when calling from mobile. But from desktop, it has the actutal domain from which the login happens.
May I know when can we expect a solution for this? I need to plan my stragergy based on this 
On order to get a guaranteed committed estimate, consider purchasing support plan. Issues submitted by the customers with paid support plans are handled with priority. Once that priority queue is clear, we switch to unpaid (free) support issues. Your is in the second, hence we cannot provide an estimate.
Is this issue still being looked into? In the case of Ionic (and probably other Cordova) apps, if the _sendSocialLoginRequest (line 1933) method in the JavaScript SDK is exposed, this issue can be totally sidestepped.
That way, the appropriate Cordova plugin could handle the logging into the social account, and pass the response to the Backendless SDK for user creation.