facebook login REST

I implemented facebook login in Titanium with Facebook module.

How do I pass user data to backendless. In documentation it was not that clear.
with rest is there some kind of web view authorization or what?
It would be nice to just pass user data taken from facebook and get back user token,.

Hi Janis.

Configure your app like was described here:
Run request (for REST):

curl -H application-id:<app id> -H secret-key:&lt;secret key&gt; -H application-type:REST -H Content-Type:application/json -X POST -d'{"fieldsMapping":{"first_name":"First", "last_name":"Last"}, "redirect":true}' -v [url=http://api.backendless.com/v1/users/social/oauth/facebook/request_url]http://api.backendless.com/v1/users/social/oauth/facebook/request_url[/url]

You will receive redirect url.
After confirming it you will receive user object with session token.
You can look how it works with our code generation (Code Generation tab on console -> JS SDK -> Registration/Login)


Here is full doc for you:


I was hoping not to have a seperate dialog since the user is already logged into facebook app. In this case it shows another dialog. But ok, will use this.