Failing to init Backendless in React Native (Android) after installing npm package

I consumed backendless javascript library and got version 3.1.9 by running the following:

npm install --save backendless 

While trying to run my app I’m getting the following error:
undefined is not an object (evaluating ‘navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase’)
in line 79:

var ua      = isBrowser ? navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase() : "NodeJS",

How can I solve it? Can I use backendess sdk from react-native?


Hello, Eran!

There appears to be a compatibility problem between Backendless and react native. This is something we plan to address in the future as the react native support is on our roadmap. If this is an urgent matter for you, you’re welcome to contact our sales department to see how this task could be sped up.
best regards,

Hi Alexandr,
Thank you for replying.

I’m currently exploring the backend as a service world so I can wait. You have a great service/product which feel stable and mature and I was anxious to see how they play together. . Since I’m currently just exploring for the right architecture I can wait until you will release that support.

I’m watching your repository so I will be updated as soon as you will add such a support.



I tried integrating firebase instead but I find your service much more relevant when looking for a true backend replacement (firebase seems more as realtime database as a service). I will try using the rest service instead and see if it work nicely together with react native

Do you have any estimation about when you are going to address react-native? how far is it in your roadmap?


internal task created BKNDLSS-12730.
I think it can take a week for implementation. We will notify you about changes.

Hi Eran,
Please, try to update your version of Backendless JS SDK up to v3.1.12
It will be great if you let us know if your problem was solved.

Regards Ilya


Thank you solving this issue. It seems to work for me. I will now continue my POC with your service and I’m quite happy for that!
