Unfortunately I can’t reproduce this problem. Could you please share your Application Id and a simple project with shorti saving method so we could check this? What version of iOS SDK do you use?
I just downloaded the auto generated iOS project from the console and tried a simple save with the Shorti class and get: FAULT = ‘0’ [java.lang.NullPointerException] <java.lang.NullPointerException>
I’m on 4.0b13
App Id: B040C647-FCD4-EF36-FFB4-E78E82488300
I tried all the other custom classes I’m using and they all work doing a simple save test, but Shorti does not.
There shouldn’t be any business logic at all in the 4.x version… I just checked via the console and there’s nothing there (I definitely didn’t upload anything). There should be business logic in the 3.x version, but the issue I have is specifically for 4.x.
Hold up, was looking in the wrong place. Sorry about that, the new UI threw me for a loop. I see the event handlers now. Looks like they were imported in from the migration without me realizing it. I can push on now!