File being deleted from the cloud

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In order to suggest you a quality solution, we shall usually ask you to provide the details mentioned below first. Including them into your topic right away helps us to start investigating your issue much faster.

In case you have a suggestion or an idea, the details below are not always required, though still any additional background is welcome.

Backendless Version (3.x / 5.x, Online / Managed / Pro )


Client SDK (REST / Android / Objective-C / Swift / JS )


Application ID


Expected Behavior

Please describe the expected behavior of the issue, starting from the first action.

  1. file to be persist and not to be deleted without being requested

Actual Behavior

this is the third time that I don’t see the file although it was there for sure because I used it to generate custom typescript library as seen here.
file /codegen/features/xsls/backendless-codegen-xsls/js/ts-dataclasses.xsl

note the the other file that I added is there and was never being deleted

You are going to see that file because I’m going to re-add it now to be able to generate but since it already happened to me I though to open a ticket for that.


Hello @Eran_Sakal

Thank you for the report, we will definitely investigate the problem as soon as possible.
The ticket number is BKNDLSS-23650\

Regards, Vlad

There is a related issue. Many times I save the file and after closing it and reopening, I get old versions

CleanShot 2020-12-30 at 12.13.21

I’m not sure if the gif attached is clear enough, I show there that I set a line to include the word undefined and although saved successfully when reloading I’m getting an old version.

confirm, we can reproduce the issue.
our engineer will take a look into it as soon as possible.

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Hello @Eran_Sakal,

the folder codegen/features/xsls/backendless-codegen-xsls is a system folder we use it to fix codegens that we have created or add a new one and you should not have access to this folder, only to read. Each time when we restart server content of the folder will be replaced.

To create(or change) new codegen just copy existed and change whatever you need. I have made an example for you in your app:

To do that I have copied content of codegen/features/xsls/backendless-codegen-xsls/js to codegen/features/xsls/custom-js folder then I have created file /codegen/features/generators/costom-js-crud.json with the following content:

	"category": "JavaScript",
	"name": "My custom create/retrieve/update/delete demo",
	"tooltip": "Generates reusable code which uses Backendless user registration and login API. When the social login options are enabled, the generated code includes functionality for login with social network identity.",
	"icon": "/codegen/features/xsls/custom-js/icons/js_crud.png",
	"xsl": "/codegen/features/xsls/custom-js/crud.xsl"

as you see icon and xsl properties pointing to the new folder.

Thank you for clarifying it. I took it from a tutorial in your site thus I didn’t though it is a reserved folder
Thanks Again!