File Service + Messaging Service = Send QR Code

Heres what we want to do:

A user registers an Object
The User is set as Owner of the Object
The ‘Object’ table uses the column “ID” as an Identifier.

We will represent the “ID” as a QR code on the Client-side when:

  1. Approval Admins connect to our DB with specific developer permissions to deal only with the Object Table.

  2. Admins set the value of a column called ‘Approval’, type Boolean, to true or false

Upon approval being set to true for an Object, we want an automatic message sent to the email of the User Owner of that Object. This email message should contain the QR code representing ‘ObjectID’ so they can print it and then paste it in the Physical Object.

Can this be done with Backendless Messaging?

@Samuel_Franco sure, you can create afterUpdate handler for Object table. And if you see that Approval column has bean changed then you send email using backendless base email api or using email templates