"File" Storage is empty (UPLOAD BUTTON)

Application ID


App Page


Upload Button

ID: uploadEnergiaButton
Label: Bolletta Energia
Logic: File Name Logic

Actual Behavior

Can’t save file with custom name and original file extension in a Directory.

Expected Behavior

Save the file renamed with the original file extension in a Directory.

Reproducible Test Case

Debugging Note

“File” Storage is empty, can’t get any property.

At the moment I have solved it with a workaround.
However, I await a possible solution in order to increase the quality of the user experience.
Placed below in case they are useful to someone.

Hello @Marco_D_Alessandria

Fix is ready.
It will be in the next release.
Hopefully tomorrow.
We apologize for the inconvenience


Hi @viktor.liablin!
Thanks for the great news.
I’ll try tomorrow, I want to remove those selectors and finally close this Topic :grinning:

Great job as usual :wink: