File Upload Appending GET Parameter to File Name

I have been using the following block of code since early September to upload user profile images to the file hosting on Backendless:

ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
profilePic.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 100, baos);
String filename = new String(
 Hex.encodeHex(DigestUtils.md5(baos.toByteArray()))) + ".jpg";
BackendlessFile upload = Backendless.Files.Android.upload(profilePic,
 Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 100, filename, "avatars");

However, I just realized that as of October 27th, all of my newly uploaded files have had GET parameters appended to the end of the file name, causing the links to these files to break. For example, 18470ad1aea2e3789783c89af41fbc3e.jpg?overwrite=false

Attached is a screenshot for further example. It’s worrying to me that breaking changes like this could happen to my app while in production. Luckily, it is still in development.

EDIT: Looking back at my git history, on the 26th of October I updated the Backendless SDK from github when resolving this issue:

I assume it was probably introduced then.

Hi Tim,

We’ll look into it. Please keep in mind that the builds in github are not always validated by QA. The formally “blessed by QA” builds go on our website. The github repository is a placeholder for the work in progress. Something like this would certainly be caught by our QA and should not happen with a build available on the website.


Hi Tim!

We will check this issue and notify you.

And one question: do you have old version of android SDK (downloaded before September)?

Hi Kate,

The android SDK version I’m using is from github and it was downloaded on October 29th. Mark had me download it to fix other problems I was having with the SDK.

Thank you.

Hi Tim,

The problem is now fixed. What happened is one of the changes for the upcoming release (support to overwrite files) got into the master branch, but the server-side has not been upgraded yet. As a result, the new parameter was added to the file name. I made the change in the code so it does not happen. Please re-download the code from github and try again.
