File web hosting permissions with login

Can we use the File service static web server to host files that are only available to certain users, and present a login screen to authenticate using the Backendless JS SDK?
We are attempting to do so, however I’m not sure how to store the session so that when we change the permissions on the files we’ve uploaded into the “web” folder, so that they’ll be available for the logged in user.
We have uploaded to our file server “web” folder:

  1. secured.html (which we’ve set to only allow for 1 user to “read”).
  2. login.html (based off the Backendless SDK example for user-service to login).
    So we then visit the login.html and log in.
    And then go to secured.html to access this page, it is always returning:
    {“code”:4000,“message”:“User has no permissions for specified resource”}
    How can we save that authenticated session so that the backendless file web server will recognize the logged in user?

login method has stayLoggedIn parameter - a boolean value requesting user login information to be saved so it can be reused when the application restarts (or page is reloaded).