File/Directory Listing

Is there a method to retrieve/request a directory listing of files?

Hi, Roy!

The option to retrieve a directory listing of files will be added in the next version of Backendless. We will notify you as soon as it will be available.

However could you specify for what purpose you need to retrieve a directory listing of files and type of SDK you are using?

Regards, Artur.

Another option is to use console routes : /console/appversion/:versionId/files/view/*path/
However it is available only in Backendless+ billing plan.

The SDK support I’m interested is for REST and Android. The purpose of having a file listing is:

  1. Verify that all files have been uploaded & also deleted.
  2. Listing to easily provide to the client GUI.

When is the next version going to be released that contains this functionality?

The next release will be available in scope of month. You will receive an email notification.