I’m using Backendless API for Android to upload files to Backendless. It works fine before but yesterday and today sometimes I got this invocation exception. I added several attempts and normally the 2nd or the 3rd attempt will upload successfully.
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:372)
Caused by: BackendlessException{ code: ‘6000’, message: ‘File or directory cannot be found.’ }
at com.backendless.Invoker$SyncResponder.errorHandler(Invoker.java:127)
at com.backendless.core.responder.AdaptingResponder.handledAsFault(AdaptingResponder.java:120)
at com.backendless.core.responder.AdaptingResponder.responseHandler(AdaptingResponder.java:75)
at weborb.client.ioEngine.HttpIOEngine.processAMFResponse(HttpIOEngine.java:262)
at weborb.client.ioEngine.HttpIOEngine.send(HttpIOEngine.java:207)
at weborb.client.ioEngine.HttpIOEngine.invoke(HttpIOEngine.java:145)
at weborb.client.WeborbClient.invoke(WeborbClient.java:138)
at com.backendless.Invoker.invokeSync(Invoker.java:100)
at com.backendless.Invoker.invokeSync(Invoker.java:112)
at com.backendless.Files.saveFile(Files.java:321)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:372)
at XXX
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:818)
03-03 07:32:47.862 8538-8863/XXXX: — Attempt to upload 1 failed.
03-03 07:32:49.400 8538-8538/XXXX: *** Send messages: waiting for completion…
03-03 07:32:50.559 8538-8863/XXXX: V/MyBE: — Attempt to upload 2 successful.
Hi Key,
What is your application ID?
What directory are you uploading to?
App id: 8400617E-21B7-15EC-FF46-5D4921EC4F00
Directory: /TigerShark/IdentificationData/
Currently there is no InvocationTargetException when uploading files and I also notice the folder directory does not behave weird any more.
Just want to make sure that you are aware that the Invocation exception is happening now and the folder directory behaves weird again.
My directory is Root/TigerShark/IdentificationData/
When I click on the TigerShark folder, it should show IdentificationData folder but it displays TigerShark again.
When I click on navigation TigerShark tab link on top, the IdentificationData folder icon disappears and it becomes file.
Hi Key,
This issue has been assigned to a developer who will be investigating further.
Hi, Key!
We’ve made an update that should fix this issue.
You can check it again.