FileService API pattern for query

Good day,
can you, please, describe what patterns can I use for querying file?
Can it be regular expression?
Now I am using "query, but it is case sensitive, trying to find smth case insensitive.

Hi, Nike.
How exactly are you do you use the query? Did you check the FileService API documentation?

P.S. You created this topic marked as “Problem” - but is it really a bug in Backendless service?

No, actually it is not a problem, it is my fault, sorry.

I just want to know what kind of patterns except this one (*.txt or .) backendless accepting.
The only thing that documentation says about patterns is

<pattern>- an optional parameter. A pattern which the returned files and directories must match.
Thanks for your help!

You are free to use standard regex expression.

Hey Anatolii,

I am trying to use standard regex expression for querying files from fileservice API and it does not work.
All.pdf - this one works.
/^All..pdf/i - this one not, I tried to test at regex tester sites, and everything is okay, but backendless do not want to work with this pattern.
Any ideas?

Thanks for your help,