Hi Backendless,
All is going well with my project but the fileServices seems a bit flaky as I am getting an array of server errors.
So here is my code:
@try {
NSString *fileName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"img/%0.0f.jpeg",[[NSDate date] timeIntervalSince1970] ];
BackendlessFile *uploadFile = [backendless.fileService upload:fileName content:UIImageJPEGRepresentation(sellImageA, 0.1)];
NSLog(@"UPLOADED FILE URL: %@",uploadFile);
@catch (Fault *fault) {
NSLog(@"APPARENTLY A FAULT: %@", fault);
Pretty much all the time I call the method, via a button, I get the below error but if I hit the button again straight away it works and the file is saved. In fact the file saves every subsequent time.
FAULT = ‘0’ [HTTP 0] <server error>
If I close the app and reopen it I get the same issue allover again, it won’t work but then if i try again it works. is there anything I can do to stabilise this process?
I have also noticed the error -1001 server Timeout. if that helps…