First Four Tutorials

Dear Sir,

After the first four tutorials on: page creation, page-copy, template and delete, how do I do access the other tutorials? They are locked… ;-(



Hello @Ssaam_Rostam_Aziz,

what is your app ID?


Sorry for the late message. I am in the UK. My App ID: F8BA24DB-3529-F7EF-FF26-6C18EA595B00


Hello @Ssaam_Rostam_Aziz!

Could you please tell me if the first 4 missions appear as completed for you? (as in the screenshot)


N0, they do not appear like this…they do not have the check marks.

I’ve run through each of the 4 missions and looked at the tutorials, but they remain unchecked.

To move on to the next mission, you need to complete all tasks of the previous one.
One possible reason why the missions have not been validated could be that the pages were named without considering case sensitivity.
All page names should be as described (it’s better to copy and paste them, rather than entering them manually, to avoid typos).

Please try to go through them again starting with the first mission, giving the pages the names as described.
However, if you encounter any difficulties, we will be happy to help you solve them.
