Flutter release build not connect to rt database

Rt database not work in flutter release build
i added the library

implementation (‘io.socket:socket.io-client:1.0.0’) {
exclude group: ‘org.json’, module: ‘json’

In release build , app throw this error

Caused by: BackendlessException{ code: ‘null’, message: ‘To use real time features add socket.io-client:1.0.0 dependency’, extendedData: ‘{}’, detail: ‘null’ }

Where is the proplem?

Hello, @EngMohammedKhateb.

In debug mode is it works as expected?
Which version of flutter-sdk are you use?
Additionally, please clarify, are you use android\web or ios build?

Regards, Nikita.

yes its work fine in debug mode
I use android build

flutter version is :
Flutter 3.7.3 • channel stable • GitHub - flutter/flutter: Flutter makes it easy and fast to build beautiful apps for mobile and beyond
Framework • revision 9944297138 (6 weeks ago) • 2023-02-08 15:46:04 -0800
Engine • revision 248290d6d5
Tools • Dart 2.19.2 • DevTools 2.20.1

I meant Flutter backendless_sdk

backendless_sdk: ^7.3.1

I will investigate, thank you for report.

Did you find any way to solve the problem ?

Hello, @EngMohammedKhateb.

I have been reproduced this issue.
We plans to prerelease(8.0.0) a new flutter version with huge refactoring that changes all old concepts of our SDK. I think it will be at this week. So I suggest to wait a bit and just switch to it.
All problems that arise in it will be fixed in the next few days, we will gradually refuse to support old versions of SDK (because our native SDKs were used there, such as iOS, Android and JS. It was very difficult and inconvenient to maintain this communication between flutter and other SDKs).

Best Regards, Nikita.

Thank you very much . I wish you good luck