Flutter whereClause syntax / wrong Comparisson / No exception thrown

The following where Clause doesnt throw a platform exception but it also doesnt bring back any results and weve manually checked that the conditions are met. What could be the problem?

int hace5 = DateTime.now().subtract(Duration(minutes: 5)).millisecondsSinceEpoch;

    LatLng userLocation = await _userLocation( );
    double latU = userLocation.latitude;
    double lngU = userLocation.longitude;

    String whereClause = "latitudRecogida < ${latU + 0.03} and latitudRecogida > ${latU - 0.03} and longitudRecogida < ${lngU + 0.03} and longitudRecogida > ${lngU - 0.03}";

    whereClause = "$whereClause and startDate > $hace5";

    print("my whereClause: $whereClause");

    DataQueryBuilder query = DataQueryBuilder();
    query..whereClause = whereClause;

This is what it prints: latitudRecogida < 11.1799416 and latitudRecogida > 11.1199416 and longitudRecogida < -72.5796236 and longitudRecogida > -72.63962360000001 and startDate > 1575674277311.0

Everythings fine, syntax is right, we did our tests wrong, sorry.