Focussing on cell in repeater row

Assume I have UI elements containerrowcell. row is marked as a repeater and at runtime, a variable number of cells is created depending on the actual DB content of a user. Or think of a number of images where one image is contained in a cell (like a carousel).

Is it possible to set the focus on one specific cell out of the dynamic set of cells?

Use case: assume a user is scrolling to one specific cell and is clicking on it to become directed to a details page. When the user presses a back button, I want to guide him back to exactly this cell which he has clicked before.


Hello @Klaas_Klever

When you say
clicking on it to become directed to a details page.
Is it mean redirection from the page with the repeater container to another ui-builder page (details page) then click on the browser back button and it should scroll to a specific dynamic cell in the repeater container?
Then the main task will look like this:
On page enter, we should scroll to a specific dynamic cell in the repeater container where the repeater container enrich with uploading data


Yes. I will somehow store (e.g. in AppData) on which cell the click has happened. When returning to the page, I want to scroll to the very same cell on page enter


Hello @Klaas_Klever!

I can suggest you a solution that is not the most elegant but works,

you can use Class List Logic handler to remember the last element (I used objectId as a unique cell identifier):

After click on a cell, I set classNames in AppData and redirect the user to another page:

And in the On Page Enter handler (main page), I do a small delay and use custom code block to scroll to the component:


You can also use this guide:
Scroll to component from dynamic list


I will try …

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