Forget password link not opening

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This is a support forum for reporting issues related to Backendless services. Please note that due to our support policy we cannot provide you help with debugging your code, consulting in regards to any language or third-party library usage. For this kind of questions we recommend using more appropriate forums like Stack Overflow.

In order to suggest you a quality solution, we shall usually ask you to provide the details mentioned below first. Including them into your topic right away helps us to start investigating your issue much faster.

In case you have a suggestion or an idea, the details below are not always required, though still any additional background is welcome.

Backendless Version (3.x / 6.x, Online / Managed / Pro )

Client SDK (REST / Android / Objective-C / Swift / JS )

Application ID

Expected Behavior

Please describe the expected behavior of the issue, starting from the first action.

  1. forgot password link is sent to the specified mail onclick of the forgot password button. i am using the api to send the identity that is the email address to backendless server. In frontend i am using react.
    2.The mail with the link is getting delivered to the email id.
    3.Onclick of the link it opens a new tab to reset the password.

Actual Behavior

Please provide a description of what actually happens, working from the same starting point.

Be descriptive: “it doesn’t work” does not describe what the behavior actually is – instead, say “the request returns a 400 error with message XXX”. Copy and paste your logs, and include any URLs.

1.The problem happens after the mail with the link is sent to the specified email when the user clicks the link and the tab to reset password is not displayed.

2.It says check the firewall. If i disconnect from the wifi network and use my mobile hotspot the tab gets opened and reset password page is visible.
3.This is only happening for the reset password link and not for the confirmation email sent on signup. Where i use the same wifi network but it does not show the firewall issue. So why confirmation link works fine but the reset password link does not open due to firewall issue on the wifi network.

Reproducible Test Case

Please provide a simple code that could be run in a new clean app and reproduce the issue.

If the issue is more complex or requires configuration, please provide a link to a project on Github that reproduces the issue.

Hi @swarnava_kundu

Welcome to our community and thank you for trying out Backendless!
Could you please provide your AppId so we can look at the page?
But as far as I know, unfortunately, we won’t be able to do anything, because we won’t know what your firewall doesn’t like.
Could you also look through your firewall to see why the page is blocking and show the corresponding screenshots?

Viktor Mudrevsky