Forgot Password


I have currently created password recovery logic that will send the user a password recovery link to their email. At the same time it creates a cache of a unique UUID to store. When the user clicks on the link in their email it sends them to a page which will check the url for the key and then check to see if it exists in the cache. If it doesn’t it shows an expired screen, if it does then it allows the user to change their password. The only problem I’m currently facing is that when I try to use this update user function it tells me I need to login in order to get a user token to change the credentials. I’ve read the documentation about how to reset a password through backendless but I do not want to user your email system, I’d like to use Sendgrid can you show me a way to achieve this same result but with my implementation?

Application ID: 27CFF991-B8B6-1C94-FF36-C32CD79DF700
Pages: NewPassword, Login and Forgot Password

Hello @CD_Engineers

You need to create your own API service, that will update the user.

There are security restrictions for updating user method from the client side. But if you do that from Cloud Code, it must work.

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