Is it or will there come a possibility to format numbers in a Data Table?
I am using data type MONEY and want to be able to show default 2 decimals.
Is it or will there come a possibility to format numbers in a Data Table?
I am using data type MONEY and want to be able to show default 2 decimals.
Hello @Michel_Loriaux!
Could you please clarify your question, since the default MONEY format already displays 2 decimals.
If you need to display a different number of decimal places, you can use the DECIAL type.
To do this, you need to change the scale parameter.
Hello Alexander,
See the table below:
See below the same values in the data table below:
Hello @Michael_Loriaux
What about create a generated column like on screen below?
(Where MONEY_TEST - is uppercased name on money column)
That might solve your issue.
Also, we have some different approaches, but this should be the easier one.
Regards, Dima.