Framework7 support

does backendless support for framework7??. I plan to use Restapi to connect backendless with framework7. how do I use a backendless push notification? thanks

We do not have any guides or docs for using this framework, but it seems quite similar with Ionic, it also creates a Hybrid application using Cordova, so you can use JS-SDK there, here is a quick start guide, but of course you can our REST API

to receive Remote Push Notifications there are a few principal things which must be done:

  1. setup your Backendless App as described here, there are instructions for both iOS and Android platform
  2. to have installed plugin for register device for PushNotification and getting a deviceToken (in case if this Framework7 doesn’t provide it)
  3. register device in Backendless with passing deviceToken and other device properties

once all the steps are done you can check all the registered devices in your Backendless app in DeviceRegistration table, then you are able to send remote push notifications using our API, see the following docs

Regards, Vlad

Also take a look at the link,
try as described here maybe it will be helpful for you