Frontend error after changing page name

Application ID: 42C21728-1588-FE30-FFD7-22B1A0896100

Oops. An internal error [2ffe9e83e33bf632f9ca626bb81bac02] has occurred. We are working on it. Please try again later

Problem description

I changed the name of a page. Afterwards, an internal snackbar error message appeared during codeless logic editing (on page enter) that I was not able to read. On refresh, the above error appears whenever trying to load the frontend portion of Backendless.

Steps to reproduce

Please describe steps to reproduce starting from the first action.

  1. Change page name
  2. Edit ‘on page enter’ logic for that page
  3. Load Backendless Frontend

Hi Kevin,

Do you recall what the name of the page was before and what it is now?


“add_a_child” was changed to “add_a_student”

Backendless automatically creates a backup for your UI Builder container. I restored the add_child page from the backup and now UI Builder opens.

Thanks, Mark!