Frontend Error while working on missions

Application ID: 57E38F03-F173-390E-FFEF-67F6A22F0500

No connection with server
Error: No connection with server
    at x (

Problem description

Describe what you did in console that led to the error. Please provide a description of what actually happens. Be descriptive: “it doesn’t work” does not describe what the behavior actually is. This will help us with reproducing the problem.

Steps to reproduce

Please describe steps to reproduce starting from the first action.

Hi @Gokhan_Yilmaz,

Welcome to the community! Do you still have the issue? If yes, please provide us with the steps how we can reproduce it.


Hi Marina, I have no problem now ,but to be able to help you I can explain the situation. I was working on mission GEO APPRENTICE 2/4 and watching video , then I added related page as in video. After a while, that error appeared on screen. I logout and re-logged in , it was same. Than I closed browser and restart computer :blush: , problem was disappeared.

İyi çalışmalar.

Gökhan Yılmaz

Yazılım Mühendisi

T. +90 212 951 05 36 W.

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@Gokhan_Yilmaz, it was a problem on our side. But the team solved it in just a few minutes. So while you were doing all the steps described above, the problem had already been fixed. We’re sorry about that.


Thank you for your support, have a good day

Galaxy cihazımdan gönderildi

-------- Orijinal mesaj --------
Kimden: Marina Kan via Backendless Support
Tarih: 15.06.2023 16:29 (GMT+03:00)
Konu: [Backendless Support] [Bug] Frontend Error while working on missions

| Marina Kan Marina.Kan Backendless Team
June 15 |

  • | - |

@Gokhan_Yilmaz, it was a problem on our side. But the team solved it in just a few minutes. So while you were doing all the steps described above, the problem had already been fixed. We’re sorry about that.
