Generating Formatted Reports

Hi There -
I haven’t found anything in the training etc. about generating formatted printed reports. My application requires significant abilities for formatted reports. Can you point me in the right direction?

Hi Esteri,

This ability is coming in our new product, FlowRunner. It is a complete automation system with a very powerful built-in PDF generator. We will be doing a soft launch of FlowRunner very soon.


Hum. Are we talking days, weeks, months, or years? I’m not asking for a specific launch date, just an idea of scope. I have people clamoring for this app - and while I can export all the data into a CVS and use MS merge to generate reports in the short term - for the first few beta clients. It’s definitely NOT a long term solution. They need to be able to click a button and get labels, judge’s books, AKC reports, etc.


Excellent news. I look forward to learning it’s full capabilities. Put me on the list if you need early adopters.

I currently use APIs for similar document automation. DocxTemplater for Microsoft Office documents and there’s an open source service for PDFs (forget what it’s called). My use case is to populate the PDF fields though, not create reports. That being said, the DocxTemplater can do a lot with images and formatting and might serve your purposes. I’ll be eager to see what Backendless comes out with built-in though.

Thanks David! I’ll look into that. Hopefully the built-in option will meet my needs in both time and capability. But I really appreciate knowing other options. You’ve saved me some looking around.

If you think of the PDF service, I’d appreciate knowing what you’ve used. That’ll probably be more useful for me.
