Geo Point Swift Code

I’ve been reading about and learning the Geolocation features at Backendless. As a learning exercise I rewrote a most of the Objective-C code to Swift Code. I’m not saying it’s perfect but it may help someone looking for a starting points. I hope it helps someone out.

class GeolocationViewController : UIViewController


    // Backendless Property

    let backendless = Backendless.sharedInstance()


    func backendlessGeolocation()


        let myString = "BackendlessGeolocation"

        let responder = Responder(responder: self, selResponseHandler: #selector(success), selErrorHandler: #selector(error))


        // +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Adding a Geo Category +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++


        // Synchronous



        // Asynchronous

        self.backendless.geoService.addCategory(myString, responder: responder)


        self.backendless.geoService.addCategory(myString, response: { (result : GeoCategory!) -> () in


            print("The category was added: \(result)")

            }, error: { (fault : Fault!) -> () in


                print("There was an error adding the category: \(fault)")



        // +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Deleting a Geo Category +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

        // Synchronous

        Types.tryblock( { () -> Void in




            print("The Geo Category was removed from Backendless: \(myString)")

            }, catchblock: { (fault) -> () in


                let error = fault as! Fault

                print("There was an error removing the Geo Categories: \(error)")


        // Asynchronous

        self.backendless.geoService.deleteCategory(myString, responder: responder)


        self.backendless.geoService.deleteCategory(myString, response: { (result : AnyObject!) -> () in


            print("The category was deleted: \(result)")

            }, error: { (fault : Fault!) -> () in


                print("There was an error deleting the category: \(fault)")



        // +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Retrieving Geo Categories +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

        // Synchronous

        Types.tryblock( { () -> Void in


            let categoryArray = self.backendless.geoService.getCategories()


            for category in categoryArray


                print("The category is: \(category)")


            }, catchblock: { (fault) -> () in


                let error = fault as! Fault

                print("There was an error retrieving the Geo Categories: \(error)")



        // Asynchronous



        self.backendless.geoService.getCategories({ (result : [String]!) -> () in


            for category in result


                print("The category is: \(category)")


            }, error: { (fault : Fault!) -> () in


                print("There was an error retrieving the categories: \(fault)")



        // +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Adding a Geo Point +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++


        let geoPointData = GEO_POINT(latitude: 32.81, longitude: -96.80)

        let geoPoint = GeoPoint(point: geoPointData)


        // Synchronous

        Types.tryblock( { () -> Void in



            print("The GeoPoint was added to Backendless: \(geoPoint)")

            }, catchblock: { (fault) -> () in


                let error = fault as! Fault

                print("There was an error deleting the GeoPoint: \(error)")


        // Asynchronous

        self.backendless.geoService.savePoint(geoPoint, responder: responder)


        self.backendless.geoService.savePoint(geoPoint, response: { (result : GeoPoint!) -> () in


            print("The GeoPoint was added to Backendless: \(result)")

            }, error: { (fault : Fault!) -> () in


                print("There was an error adding the GeoPoint to Backendless \(fault)")



        // +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Updating a Geo Point +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

        let geoPointObjectId = geoPoint.objectId


        // +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Deleting a Geo Point +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

        // Synchronous

        Types.tryblock( { () -> Void in



            print("The GeoPoint was removed from Backendless: \(geoPoint.objectId)")

            }, catchblock: { (fault) -> () in


                let error = fault as! Fault

                print("There was an error deleting the GeoPoint: \(error)")



        // Asynchronous

        self.backendless.geoService.removePoint(geoPoint, responder: responder)


        self.backendless.geoService.removePoint(geoPoint, response: { (result : AnyObject!) -> () in


            print("The GeoPoint was removed: \(result)")

            }, error: { (fault : Fault!) -> () in


                print("There was an error deleting the GeoPoint: \(fault)")



        // +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Search in a Category +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

        // Synchronous

        Types.tryblock( { () -> Void in


            let query = BackendlessGeoQuery(categories: ["Restaurants"])



            }, catchblock: { (fault) -> () in


                let error = fault as! Fault

                print("There was an error searching for a Category: \(error)")



        // Asynchronous

        let query = BackendlessGeoQuery(categories: ["Restaurants"])


        self.backendless.geoService.getPoints(query, responder: responder)


        self.backendless.geoService.getPoints(query, response: { (result : BackendlessCollection!) -> () in


            print("Here are the Geo Categories: \(result)")

            }, error: { (fault : Fault!) -> () in


                print("There was an error retrieving the Geo Cetegories: \(fault)")


        // +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Search in Radius +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++


        let radiusQuery = BackendlessGeoQuery(point: geoPointData, radius: 10000, units: METERS)


        // Synchronous

        Types.tryblock( { () -> Void in


            let query = BackendlessGeoQuery(categories: ["Restaurants"])



            }, catchblock: { (fault) -> () in


                let error = fault as! Fault

                print("There was an error searching for a Category: \(error)")


        // Asynchronous

        self.backendless.geoService.getPoints(radiusQuery, responder: responder)


        self.backendless.geoService.getPoints(radiusQuery, response: { (result : BackendlessCollection!) -> () in


            print("Here are the Geo Points in the defined radius: \(result)")

            }, error: { (fult : Fault!) -> () in


                print("There was an error getting the Geo Points in the defined radius.")




    func success()





    func error()





Not to sound dumb, but how would you use this? Would the code instantly work or do you have to use a bridging header? I’m building an application in swift that needs to use GeoLocation, and want to know if there are any prerequisites for this code to work. Thanks!

The reason I added this was because the docs did not have the Swift version of this code. If you are using a Swift project then you will not need a bridging header file for this code. If you have an Objective-C project then I would recommend using the Objective-C code provided in the docs. I hope this helps.