GEO Polygon not putting

What am I doing wrong? The GEO Point that I created is applied to my user registration no problem, but when I add a GEO Polygon I get an error 400 (Bad Request). When I print the GEO Polygon the x and y points look correct.

I tried this too, and the other latlng literal functions, would be more elegant, but no cigar

Hi @Jacki_Saorsail

Welcome to our community and thank you for trying out Backendless.

Please check this documentation: Spatial Data Types and ensure that the data you are inputting conforms to it. I think you might be missing a point in your polygon construction. If this does not help and you continue to encounter errors, please provide your appId and create a test page that only has this issue so we can try to reproduce it.


Thank you! The example in the documentation just showed points so I didn’t realize it was trying to create a closed linestring. I just had to add one more point to bring it back to the original starting point and now it works!