Today I got an error using the Directory Listing API for REST. I had specified a page size of 200 and I received an error stating that the page size limit is 100.
When there are more than 100 files (500 files) in a directory, how do you enumerate all 500 files?
I see the “totalObjects”:500 in the response JSON data. Is this object string going to be there in the future?
If I can count on this string being there telling me the total objects, then I can adjust the offset in the call for the Directory Listing to get the next page of data until there isn’t anymore.
Additionally, are you saying that the total objects will be removed for sure in the future and some other method will be put into place so that developers can enumerate file listings?
We are currently working on the new version of Backendless - version 4.0. The new release will contain some important changes that will break backward compatibility. There will be two clusters running: one with the existing (3.x) apps and the other with the 4.0 version of Backendless. There will also be a way to migrate the backend from 3.x to 4.0 (and keep the 3.x running for some time). There will be grace period so everyone can migrate their client app to 4.0.
Will the new API be the same as requesting data collections now (using a nextPage URL property)? I am refactoring some code and if so, I can take that into account.
To be honest with you, I am really happy with what you have done with the changes on file-Referencing. Kudos to you guys.
It is unfortunate that i don’t know how to apply it in my code yet but I believe it is part of the 4.0 package. Can’t wait to see the docs on the new changes. But if the docs are ready, kindly let us know.