Get field from HTTP POST response in Codeless

I receive a response from an HTTP POST in the following format: {“results”:[{“alternatives”:[{“transcript”:“first word”,“confidence”:0.6171794},{“transcript”:“second word”,“confidence”:0.6364148},{“transcript”:“third word”,“confidence”:0.6448714}]}]}
I am trying (in Codeless) to reach the first word. I can refer to the whole response as an object and successfully read the property ‘results’ but from that point I am not able to get ‘alternatives’ -> ‘transcript’ and the first word.
I checked with the block ‘is ___ of type ___’ and ‘results’ was not a string neither an object or array thus I could not use list or object blocks on it.
Help would be appreciated.

Hi Gill Bar

I just tried it and looks like it works for me.</img>

Could you please provide your logic or maybe there is different input data (JSON)
Regards, Vlad

Works great.
Thank you Vlad!