Get file count using API mission not completing (iOS)

I am finished all the missions to get to “Cloud Coder” but “Get file count using API”. I am using the following code but the mission won’t complete:

         Backendless.shared.file.getFileCount(path: "web", pattern: "*.html", recursive: true, responseHandler: { filesCount in

             print("Files count = \(filesCount)")

         }, errorHandler: { fault in

             print("Error: \(fault.message ?? "")")


Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

Hello @Michael_Wildermuth,

According to the mission description

This task will be marked as complete when you use the Get File Count Codeless block.

Please use Codeless instead of Swift API.


Hi @olhadanylova,

Not sure where you are reading that, here is a cut and paste of the mission:

" With this task you will be using the API to get a count of files matching a pattern.

This task will be marked as complete when you use the Get File Count API. You must use the *.html pattern. The count must be obtained for the web directory and calculated recursively.

See the directory listing API documentation for details:

[JS API] [Android API] [iOS API] [Flutter API] [.NET API] [REST API]

Below is a sample code (in JavaScript) demonstrating the usage of the API"

Backendless.Files.getFileCount('web', '*.html', true)
  .then(filesCount => console.log('Files count: ', filesCount))
  .catch(error => console.log('Error: ', error.message))

Using Codeless worked but the instructions above don’t state to use it. Thanks though.