Get rid of the map component in the Business Consulting template

I create a new app using the Business Consulting template and it requires a Google API key. I don’t need this functionality so how can I get rid of the map control or page?

Thank you.

I’d start with selecting the component you don’t need and hitting the “Del” button on the keyboard. :slight_smile:

Thanks Mark

Using the Business Consulting template, where is the control that requires google API configuration? The only thing I could find that’s map related is the address on the contact page. I looked at the blocks for those and didn’t see anything google related. What exactly am I to delete?

Thank you.

Hi @George_Padvorac

The GoogleMap component requires the GoogleAPIKey

Regards, Vlad

Right, but in the Business Consulting template I don’t see that control. So if its not there, why is settings prompting me to configure a key?

what’s your appId?

App ID FC85BD76-68C8-54B8-FF88-70476C400800

did you check your contact page?, there is a Map component

Dumb question, how do I find the contact page

under the USER INTERFACE tab, there is a label Editing Page: ..., just hover the current page and you will see all your containers and their pages

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Ahh… Thanks. I’m new to this.

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I highly recommend going through our free training courses on UI Builder first:

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