I create a new app using the Business Consulting template and it requires a Google API key. I don’t need this functionality so how can I get rid of the map control or page?
Thank you.
I create a new app using the Business Consulting template and it requires a Google API key. I don’t need this functionality so how can I get rid of the map control or page?
Thank you.
I’d start with selecting the component you don’t need and hitting the “Del” button on the keyboard.
Thanks Mark
Using the Business Consulting template, where is the control that requires google API configuration? The only thing I could find that’s map related is the address on the contact page. I looked at the blocks for those and didn’t see anything google related. What exactly am I to delete?
Thank you.
Right, but in the Business Consulting template I don’t see that control. So if its not there, why is settings prompting me to configure a key?
what’s your appId?
App ID FC85BD76-68C8-54B8-FF88-70476C400800
did you check your contact
page?, there is a Map component
Dumb question, how do I find the contact page
tab, there is a label Editing Page: ...
, just hover the current page and you will see all your containers and their pages
Ahh… Thanks. I’m new to this.
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