I am trying to figure out how to get the latest chat message from every group
I have group table that has objectId and GroupMsges with 1:N relationships with Message Table.
The message table has ObjectId, From(User), To(User), Msg, and the created date
I want to get the latest message from every group that is destined to me. How can I achieve that.
Something like Get me the last message from every group where Message.To.objectId = ‘xyz’
Preferable if I can get the Group objectId along with the message details in one query. If not then just the message details is ok.
Can you advise how?
Thank you
Hi @snakeeyes
You can use: Backendless.Data.of("Message").find("GroupMsges[rel].name='group message name'")
Hi Inna,
Thank you but that’s not the intended behavioru I was asking about. I don’t know the group message name in this case. I want to get the latest message of “each” group in one query. Like Whatsapp chat.
Group 1: latest msg details
Group 2: latest msg details.
and so on
Thank you
You can try to use the grouping, where one of the condition is a max time for message.
The grouping itself can be made by the group name or group id which is message relates to.
Yess. This is what I want but how can do the grouping on Groups.objectId and the Max on related Msgs.Updated
They are different tables. Will I be querying the Groups table or Msgs table? Maybe you have a sample query for such case
I can propose you solution with two queries.
props=relGroup.name as groupName, Max(created) as maxTime
props=objectId, relGroup.name as groupName, created
You should create where clause, in which groupName and maxTime from the previous result are compared with the groupName and created from the current query.
something like
where=(groupName=‘g1’ and created=1234) OR (groupName=‘g2’ and created=3456)
So it has to be using 2 queries then. I was hoping to be one.
No worries. Thank you