Get User Roles in list

Good Day

Using Codeless logic how can I get all the user roles to be displayed in a list? For example I have two users one user “Paul” has the user Role of “admin1” and the other user “David” has the user role of “admin2”, how can I get the user roles of each user to be displayed as follows.

  1. Paul (admin1)
  2. David (admin2)

Kind regards

Hi @Donovan_Hardwick ,

Unfortunately there is no way to retrieve roles for user by his ID using Codeless. This feature only available via REST API at the current moment. I have created internal ticket BKNDLSS-28172 to add such ability but this block will work only when request is made using CloudCode API key due to security reasons.
We will reach you out when this feature for Codeless will be released.
Sorry for inconvenience.

Regards, Andriy

Thank you, I appreciate the feedback.