Getting a reference error for Bodyparts() as undefined? [Javascript]

I’m trying to experiment with the example code covering sending emails using Javascript and running it through Node.js on my terminal to be able to send it to users of the app. However, I am getting a reference error when I am using the code that is found in the documentation.
This is the following code that I have currently.

var APPLICATION_ID = '*hidden*',
 SECRET_KEY = '*hidden*',
 VERSION = 'v1'; //default application version;

var successCallback = function( response ) 
 console.log( "[ASYNC] message has been sent" );
var failureCallback = function( fault ) 
 console.log( "error - " + fault.message );
// prepare message bodies (plain and html) and attachment
var bodyParts = new Bodyparts();
bodyParts.textmessage = "Check out this awesome code generation result";
bodyParts.htmlmessage = "Check out this <b>awesome</b> code generation result";
var attachments = ["" ];
// asynchronous call
var responder = new Backendless.Async( successCallback, failureCallback );
Backendless.Messaging.sendEmail( "Backendless code gen", bodyParts, [ "" ], attachments, responder );

It is the same exact code except for the first 5 lines and it results in this error when I am running it.

var bodyParts = new Bodyparts();
ReferenceError: Bodyparts is not defined
 at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/JeregoOrlino/Desktop/PiSprinkler/notifications.js:18:21)
 at Module._compile (module.js:409:26)
 at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:416:10)
 at Module.load (module.js:343:32)
 at Function.Module._load (module.js:300:12)
 at Function.Module.runMain (module.js:441:10)
 at startup (node.js:139:18)
 at node.js:968:3

I was wondering if I could get help on this?
Thank you in advance

Hi Jerego,

which version of SDK do you use? Seems you are using an old SDK. The latest version is 3.1.5.
Please, update to the latest version and try again.



I am using the SDK entailed by the command “npm install backendless”.

I looked through its contents and the function Bodyparts is in there.


I just updated it and it worked. It works correctly now. However is there anyway to send this email without any attachments?

Just pass the null instead.