Getting currently active and inactive users

Here’s another way to do it:

  1. Pass in your data model object into custom code. In my case, I am sending Page Data:
    UI Builder - ConsoleDemo - Backendless 2022-05-04 17-52-49

  2. Modify the incoming object (your data model) in your custom code:

  3. When the data model object is modified, it will trigger re-render of the UI components that have data binding properties for the data model. In my example, I used the Text component and established data binding:

Here’s the final result:

Hope this helps.


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That works perfectly, thankyou!

When that field of Page Data gets updated, what would be the best way to also send an update to the database?

(even though I know the update will cause any component bound to it to re-render, I couldn’t think of how to trigger a database update due to that…)