Getting currently active and inactive users

How do I get the currently active users on backendless. I don’t mean logged in users here coz I enabled stay logged in for each users login. I need to get the currently active users and those inactive. Is this possible. If yes please help.

What’s a definition of an “active” vs. “inactive” user?

OK not to cause any confusion, and to be understood I mean how to get users that are online and offline.

Coz I will need to notify any current user all his followers that are online.

Hope am been understood @mark-piller

How would our backend know that your user is offline?

Yes and how to retrieve the response either online or offline.

You can make a session just like the login sessions to check for any api call and if there isn’t an api call for a certain period of time then the user is either busy or offline. Else the user is still online.

You can make a session just like the login sessions to check for any api call and if there isn’t an api call for a certain period of time then the user is either busy or offline. Else the user is still online. That my idea.

This is often handled through a presence system; when a user state changes (offline to online or away to present or active to inactive for example) the apps sets flag in the database for that user in the user table; online = true, and when they log off online = false. That way, they can stay connected but have an indicator as to their state.

Your app can watch for that change in the users table and update your app/UI accordingly as other users go online and offline.

The trouble with this design pattern is; what happens in the case of a disconnect or the user force-quits the app. In those cases the app cannot change that flag.

Firebase has a very intuitive way of handling that situation through a onDisconnect function that lives on the server. The server monitors the connection and if it’s lost will fire a pre-defined event. In that case onDisconnect could set the online flag to false for the user that disconnected.

I realize that’s not much help but it’s a very usable and reliable function that we implement throughout our Firebase backed projects.

Does such a function or capability exist in Backendless?

Backendless provides support for that functionality through real-time event handlers.
To accomplish the logic described above, you can add business logic in Java, JS or Codeless to handle the following events:

In this event handler you would mark your user as online
Event Handlers - BL - DemoApp - Backendless 2020-03-07 08-49-58
In here your cloud code would mark the user as offline:
Event Handlers - BL - DemoApp - Backendless 2020-03-07 08-50-49

The code to change the state of the user is trivial - it is a simple update of a single property.

Hope this helps.


hi everyone! New Backendless user here so apologies if this is a basic question. I am guessing clientDisconnected fires if:

  • internet connection drops out
  • app is closed
  • user logs out

but not on less drastic events, like:

  • user minimizes our window
  • user maximizes another window
  • user powers off their phone screen
  • etc

But in a modern app, such as chat, these events would also usually be counted as the user no longer being “online”. So is there a way to measure “online” precisely in this way, as our app is visible to the user?

Hello @JohnP

I guess, if the system do not close a connection with the server in these cases there is should be a reason for that.
So, in my vision, the behaviour you are looking for should be implemented on the client-side, an OS should have an API to determine the following actions:

  • user minimizes our window
  • user maximizes another window
  • user powers off their phone screen
  • etc

and once one of them is fired you can disconnect/connect your client from/to the server.

Does it make sense?

Regards, Vlad

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Yes! thats right. So maybe I could rephrase my question as: is Backendless UI Builder able to listen for such actions?

To say a concrete example, the Page Visibility API is one such useful API that web browsers implement to notify about events such as

  • user minimizes our window
  • user maximizes another window

In code, to listen to this API I would write:

window.addEventListener('visibilitychange', visibilityChangeHandler)

Is it possible to do this with Backendless UI Builder?

you can use Custom Code codeless block to run any JS code

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thanks @vladimir-upirov! Putting

window.addEventListener('visibilitychange', () => console.log('visibility changed')

inside a Custom Code codeless block works successfully. But is there any way to let this event listener communicate back with the UI?

Or, alternatively, would I need to use code inside the listener to communicate with the Backendless backend, such as:

  const Backendless = await BackendlessUI.requireModule('backendless')
  Backendless.initApp(APP_ID, JS_API_KEY)
  const updateUserOnline = online => () => Backendless.Data.of('Person').save({ userId, online })
  window.addEventListener('visibilitychange', updateUserOnline(!document.hidden))

Hi John,

When you ask if it is possible to communicate back with the UI, do you need to send the value of updateUserOnline back into Codeless?


Yes, exactly! I need to send the value of document.hidden back into Codeless.

See the Return result in the Custom Code window. I think it should do exactly what you need:

ah no, sorry, I only want to send document.hidden back when the eventListener detects it has changed.

I don’t think I can do it directly like below, right, as document.hidden just gets returned into the ether of the process that called it back? -

So, would it instead be correct to use BackendlessUI.requireModule to load the Backendless node module to send the changed value back to the database? -

…or is there a more elegant way to communicate the changed value directly back to the UI?