Getting Data Container List & Names

Is there a way to do either of these things? (sorry in advance for the noob question)

  • Get a list of all the data containers being actively used by the app at a given time?
  • Get the name of a data container. i.e., given a context block, get it’s name. This is particularly relevant in a custom function. e.g. I pass in an argument called “filePath” with a value of “/root”. I want to return “filePath” using the context block that is created when I pass the argument in
  • Get a list of all the variables in use and their values (i.e. reference the ‘data container’ where variables are stored)


Hello @James_Hereford

  1. No
  2. Unfortunately didn’t get a problem. But must to say that name of Data Container shouldn’t affect the file path, it doesn’t look like a good practice. And every component could lie inside a multiple Data Containers.
  3. No

Regards Dima.

Hey Dima,

Thanks for the information. The example for #2 was a poor one. My use case actually doesn’t have anything to do with file path. The question is simply, can I call a block that will return the name (not the contents) of a context block?

Hello @James_Hereford

Such data does not exist in the execution context. You can’t do this.


Thanks Viktor