Git clone 500

I try to use git

  1. git integration is enabled.

git clone

  1. pass right login and pass (

  2. got error:

     Username for '':
     Password for '':
     fatal: unable to access '': The requested URL returned error: 500

hello @Dmitry_Mirovodin, we have created internal issue BKNDLSS-20767

Hi, Is it possible to get status of this ticket?

I’ve got the same error now:

fatal: Authentication failed for ''

@Dmitry_Mirovodin We have reviewed how the feature is used by our customers. We see that the majority of users are ignoring the feature. Additionally, it requires us to maintain additional processes in our infrastructure. With all of this, we decided to discontinue git support for now.
I understand you would need a solution for deploying your files into Backendless. Our console supports upload via drag and drop of multiple files and folders, This may be a viable workaround.
I apologise for the inconvenience this could cause you. I hope you will find the workaround acceptable.

Thank you,