Git support in v3


I wanted to enable GIT support in our v3 backendless project, to backup some files. I first tried zipping the folder in the Files section of the console, but the zip file was never created (I tried several times).

I also don’t get notification emails anymore about these actions, but one problem at a time.

The .git folder is created, but I am unable to clone the files, or update my local repository from a couple of years ago when git was still active.

The original git URL seems to be gone:[appid]/.git
I tried the new URL stated in the documentation (there seems to be no more documentation for V3):[appid]/.git. I am asked for my username and password in that case, but get an error 500 when I enter my credentials.

Our application ID is C6730F91-F429-E4C9-FF61-ED62B2B2E100

Kind regards,

Hi @Jeroen_Dierckx,

The git support in v3 has a problem, it had been addressed in the latest version. We do not make any fixes in the code of version 3 anymore. Regarding the archive of your files - is it possible you’re running out of available file space and the zip file doesn’t fit?


Thanks for the reply.

Well, the Disk Space info says we are at 39% so it would be strange we go over 100% when zipping a part of the files, no?

I am OK with zipping and downloading, I tried GIT to work around it.

Edit I am disabling GIT again, it seems to take a while

Hi @Jeroen_Dierckx,

Once you disable git, please try zipping up the directory again. Let us know the results.


I tried disabling it, but after spinning for a long time it switched back to on. I will retry in a minute.

Note that git was disabled when I first tried zipping. I only enabled it when that did not work.

There seems to be something wrong in general now: access to the console (files) is very very slow, as is access to our hosted sites.

Also, for some reason the active users today are at 550. That is definitely wrong: we were at about 10 active users per day before corona, and less now.

What is your application ID?


I turned off git for your file storage. Now the console opens up right away. I see the following in the billing summary for your app:

I think the operation to zip up the entire file repo would fail since more than likely there will not be enough available space. Could you try zipping up portions of it? And possibly cleanup the storage? I see there are a lot of log file, for instance.


We pay for the additional 10GB, so we should have 20GB right? It is 10GB included in the plan, and an additional 10GB.

I will clean up the logs though.