Google login redurect_uri_mistmatch

We have Google logn provider enabled and have followed the instructions.
It was working fine until yesterday.

Now we are getting this when we try to login:

I wonder if there is something specific I need to add to the Backendless login providers page.

Currently I have the Web Client ID and Secret filled. It used to work.

It seems like Google maybe changed some security policies?
I have added the Callback URL from Backendless to the Authorized redirect URIs on Google Cloud, but this is not working either.


Any suggestions

Hi @Andreas_Marinopoulos,

Unfortunately we cannot reproduce this issue, everything works fine if following the documentation steps.

  1. Did you provide the Callback URLs from this screen

  2. Please check this case: if you added a URL with some API Key to the Authorized redirect URIs on Google Cloud but use a different API Key for login, then you need to add a link with the second Api Key too
  3. Is it possible that someone from ypur team regenerated an API Key used before?
