I know there’s documentation for using Facebook login to authenticate a user but how about Google+ login using backendless REST API?
Documentation will be updated soon.
Here is an example:
curl -H application-id:<app_id> -H secret-key:<rest_secret_key> -H Content-Type:application/json -X POST -d null -v http://api.backendless.com/v1/users/social/oauth/googleplus/request_url
in response you will receive redirect url (like it works for facebook login).
Is there a similar call for when an access token is available? Here’s what I have for facebook, per your documentation
curl \
-H 'application-id: APPLICATION-ID' \
-H 'secret-key: REST-SECRET-KEY' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'application-type: REST' \
-d'{"accessToken" : "CAANVVCKZA1Y0BAA4Z....", "fieldsMapping":{"first_name":"First", "last_name":"Last", "email":"email", "name":"name"}}' \
-v https://api.backendless.com/v1/users/social/facebook/sdk/login
Hi, Jason!
Here’s the sample Google+ request with access token:
curl \-H 'application-id: F6624190-68BC-3995-FFC8-59DAE4C02300' \-H 'secret-key: FD354CE3-D1F4-FC24-FF81-C7E832A38300' \-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \-H 'application-type: REST' \-X POST \-d'{"accessToken" : "ya29.tQK2My8oNbQqsdfaQkDMmdn3aeVYu5FgtlZkfW63KmTTrFejtYeb7MtzzAsarwFC1bWIzykE", "fieldsMapping":{"given_name":"First", "family_name":"Last", "email":"email", "name":"name"}}' \-v [url=http://tc.themidnightcoders.com:7782/v1/users/social/googleplus/sdk/login]https://api.backendless.com/v1/users/social/googleplus/sdk/login[/url]
Hi, Jason!
The sample I’ve gave you is not available on production yet. We’ll notify you on the next release.