From the Android SDK v1.12 released 11.22.2014, it seems several methods of GooglePlayPurchaseStatus has been changed.
Following APIs are removed.
- getPurchaseTime()
And following APIs are appended.
- getStartTimeMills()
So, following document also should be changed
May be following description would be removed.
package com.backendless.commerce;
public class GooglePlayPurchaseStatus
public String getKind();
public Long getPurchaseTime();
public Integer getPurchaseState();
public Integer getConsumptionState();
public String getDeveloperPayload();
And following description would be changed.
package com.backendless.commerce;
public class GooglePlaySubscriptionStatus
public boolean isAutoRenewing();
public long getInitiationTimestampMsec();
public String getKind();
public long getValidUntilTimestampMsec();