GooglePlayPurchaseStatus.getPurchaseTime() has been changed.

From the Android SDK v1.12 released 11.22.2014, it seems several methods of GooglePlayPurchaseStatus has been changed.

Following APIs are removed.

    getPurchaseTime() getValidUntilTimestampMsec() getInitiationTimestampMsec()

And following APIs are appended.

    getStartTimeMills() getExpiryTimeMillis()

So, following document also should be changed

May be following description would be removed.

package com.backendless.commerce;

public class GooglePlayPurchaseStatus
  public String getKind();
  public Long getPurchaseTime();
  public Integer getPurchaseState();
  public Integer getConsumptionState();
  public String getDeveloperPayload();

And following description would be changed.

package com.backendless.commerce;
public class GooglePlaySubscriptionStatus
public boolean isAutoRenewing();
public long getInitiationTimestampMsec();
public String getKind();
public long getValidUntilTimestampMsec();