Handling File Upload using React Native

I use React Native to develop an app and I seem to have hit a dead end in regards to implementing file upload functionality, as the available file upload method expects a File object, which is a web thing. Is there any other way to upload a file remotely without relying on the REST API?

Yes, you can upload a file using the REST API. The documentation is available at:


I said “without” but thanks, I guess.

Hello @Vladyslav_Denysenko

you can use https://backendless.com/docs/js/file_save_files_from_byte_arrays.html
and upload a BytesArray

Regards, Vlad

I misread that part. Sorry.

I will mark the REST API as the solution here as it seems to be the one that is probably simpler to work with in React Native anyway.

Thanks for help.