Highcharts No Longer Working

Good Day All,

Something has changed regarding highcharts implentation which has pretty much brought my applications to a stand still no users are able to log in.

Can not render page due to an error: “Script error for “highcharts-more”, needed by: highcharts/modules/solid-gauge Common Errors
Error: Script error for “highcharts-more”, needed by: highcharts/modules/solid-gauge
Common Errors
at makeError (https://victorrose.backendless.app/api/files/ui-builder/containers/default/libs/require/require.2_3_6.min.js:1:1795)
at HTMLScriptElement.onScriptError (https://victorrose.backendless.app/api/files/ui-builder/containers/default/libs/require/require.2_3_6.min.js:1:17084)

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Kind Regards,

Hello @Raymond_Woodley!

Could you please provide your appId and the steps to reproduce the issue?
We will do our best to assist you.



Log In is no longer possible. as of a few hours ago.

Could you please let us know when you last released or republished the container?


@Raymond_Woodley, the issue is related to the release of a new version of Highcharts yesterday.
I have manually installed the previous version in your custom components, and the error no longer appears.

Could you please check and confirm that everything is working properly?

We apologize for any inconvenience caused.


Hi @Alexander_Pavelko

Thank you for the fix however i made massive changes to the container tor remove all the charts in an attempt to get the application “Workable” In the interim and thus had to Load a backup after your message to get back to he original. THis i am sure has undone your fix. Please could i once again trouble you to reinstall the previous version. I have several applications running high charts and i have now assertained that all of them are now “Offline”.

Your assistance is appreciated.

Kind Regards.

Without going to far down a rabbit hole would resolving the dependencies in the JS not be a more lasting solution for instance.

paths: {
‘highcharts’: ‘https://code.highcharts.com/highcharts’,
‘highcharts-more’: ‘https://code.highcharts.com/highcharts-more’,
‘highcharts/highcharts-3d’: ‘https://code.highcharts.com/highcharts-3d’,
‘highcharts/modules/solid-gauge’: ‘https://code.highcharts.com/modules/solid-gauge
shim: {
‘highcharts-more’: {
deps: [‘highcharts’]
‘highcharts/highcharts-3d’: {
deps: [‘highcharts’]
‘highcharts/modules/solid-gauge’: {
deps: [‘highcharts’, ‘highcharts-more’]


Forgive me for running it past you but i don’t want to make changes everywhere again and it be in the wrong direction.

Kind Regards.

Yes, of course.
I have made the changes once more.
Could you please check it?


Thank you @Alexander_Pavelko i can confirm the fix has worked.

I will only trouble you to please do the same in the following two applications.


Thank you for your assistance it is greatly appreciated.

Kind Regards,

@Raymond_Woodley, I have made changes to these two applications.
Could you please check them?


This Application is still giving me error


Can not render page due to an error: “Script error for “highcharts-more”, needed by: highcharts/modules/solid-gauge Common Errors
Error: Script error for “highcharts-more”, needed by: highcharts/modules/solid-gauge
Common Errors
at makeError (https://victorrose.backendless.app/api/files/ui-builder/containers/default/libs/require/require.2_3_6.min.js:1:1795)
at HTMLScriptElement.onScriptError (https://victorrose.backendless.app/api/files/ui-builder/containers/default/libs/require/require.2_3_6.min.js:1:17084)

Other one works.

Kind Regards,

I found one more component that uses Highcharts on this page and made the necessary changes.
Could you please check if everything is working?


Thank You for all your assistance @Alexander_Pavelko

@Raymond_Woodley, always happy to assist!
