Hitting limit of Backendless plan


For the past 2 hours, I have been getting this message when trying to modify some Codeless Cloud Code logic.

Uh-oh! Looks like you're hitting a limit of your Backendless plan. The operation you just performed has been denied by the server for the reason shown below, which indicates that your app is growing and you need more server resources than provided by the current plan.

**Server message:**

«You have reached the plan's limit. To increase the limit you need to purchase the 'Unlimited Business Logic Scripts' function pack from the Marketplace or upgrade to a plan with bigger limits»

I managed to find my current usage (not easy to find !) and I don’t get why I need to get the ‘Unlimited Business Logic Scripts’ function pack.

Could you help me understand, please ?

Hello @Nicolas_REMY

Can you provide us with steps to reproduce your problem?
Perhaps, you try to deploy 2 logics for timers or handlers, when you have the ability for only 1?


I’m having this issue while trying to modify (not add) new API services (Cloud Code), not timers or handlers. That’s why I’m very puzzled.

Here’s a video capture :


Thx for the demo. We are currently looking into this issue. We apologize for the inconvenience.


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Can you provide us with your appId pls.

The app ID is D7075715-5086-625A-FFAB-39C2F40FB200

Hello @Nicolas_REMY

When you deploy a service (I’m assuming it’s the “ready4sea” model), the entire model is deployed. Now you have deployed 2 event handlers from the “ready4sea” model (total 4 handlers in this model) and 2 handlers from other models.
So after the model is deployed, you will have only 6 handlers and this is not within the limit.
As a solution, I recommend you to move your service to another model. Or you can remove handlers that are not used at all.


Wow, this is really not intuitive to understand.
I have only 4 handlers in production, and only 2 of those are enabled. But what you are telling me is that it’s the two extra handlers which are only on draft and not in production, and which are therefore not enabled and which are also not shown in the usage screenshot I shared, that block the deployment of server code :thinking::exploding_head:
Sorry, it was not that obvious. But thank you for your reply. Now I understand what I need to do.