how can i avoid log in every time when app restarts ??

i have to log in every time my app restarts what i have to do for making it something like i have to login only once until i log out , i stored the user id and tried to log in with user id dynamically but the problem is that when there’s no internet connection i can’t login with the user id can we do anything like log in once and no session expiration until logout api called so that user can access his stored files without internet connection
Billion :slight_smile:

Hey Billion,

Do you use social login (facebook/twitter), or the “classic” Backendless login?


hey Mark,
i use the classic Backendless login.


Hi Billion,

To persist login session, make sure to use the login method that includes the “stayLoggedIn” argument:

Make sure to read the “Validating User Login” section on the same page. You will need to do that on app restarts in order to check if there is a persisted session.


okay thanks mark