How can I copy an App View?

Hi team,

I would like to create multiple App Views which are just a little bit different. It would be most efficient if I could copy one view and adjust only the fields that need to be changed. Is that somehow possible in an easy way?

Regards, Joerg

Hello @Jorg_Beyer

You can use export/import for View in the same way as for Tables.


But this exports all data from the source Tables as well. If I import them back, do I overwrite all the base data then?

Regards, Joerg

When you export a view, you are only exporting the schema, as the view is created from the table data. If you want to export to another application without data, you can also export only the view and table schema.
To do this, on the export screen, select your view (tables will be selected automatically) and specify “Schema Only”.

To prevent the view from being overwritten, change the view name after exporting and a new view will be created on import.


I have done this, but I cannot import the View Scheme. I can only import the related App Tables. Any idea?

Regards, Joerg

Are you encountering some kind of error?


No, I just cannot select a JSON for importing, but only CSV files. And all CSV files I have exported are the schemas from the source tables of the view.

I’ll create a ticket that we add the ability to import the view as a json file. As a workaround, you can create an archive with only the json file of your view in it and do the import using App Zip.


that is great, workaround worked like a charm. That helps a lot.
Thank you.

Regards, Joerg